Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Art of this Culture

What do you see? I see four young men carrying a fallen comrade. Is he young too? Old? Married? A parent? A woman? I don't know; I do know that this is the art of my culture. I grew up in a military family, I volunteer with military organizations now and I plan to serve myself after school.

The face of war is ever changing. And it's intermingled with death. It's a way of life in the military. You never know if you're saying goodbye or Godspeed...

Recently, the ban that has been in place for over 18 years has been lifted. What is this ban you ask? Why it's the ban of taking photographs of returning Troops. Unfortunately, they are returning in coffins. The federal government has left it up to the families whether they would like their loved one to be photographed or not- most are in favor of allowing America what their son/daughter, mother/father gave up for our freedom. While you walk around in the sunshine, be grateful, because someone died for you to be able. Someone's family said a final goodbye. This is the art of my culture and yours. Remember, freedom isn't free - there's a human cost.

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